Bet Limit

What is TLOS Dice Game

The Dice game offered by SLM.Games is a top-notch crypto casino game. Like other casino games, it is based on probability and requires you to rely on luck and make predictions.

Compared to other dice games, this particular game is easy to understand and play. It involves a virtual throw of a 100-sided dice, and you have the option to customize the settings according to your gaming preferences.

Autobetting Options for Dice

The following autobetting features are available for the Dice game:

  • Betting Amount:The initial bet amount for each round of betting

  • Number of Bets:The number of rounds the player allows autobetting to run

  • On Win Bet Adjustment:Adjust the betting amount by a percentage (%) after winning a bet

  • On Loss Bet Adjustment:Adjust the betting amount by a percentage (%) after losing a bet

  • Stop on Profit:Automatically end the betting rounds and stop autobetting after reaching a specific profit target

  • Stop on Loss: Automatically end the betting rounds and prevent the bankroll from exceeding a predetermined loss amount

Fairness of TLOS Dice Game

At SLM.Games, fairness is a top priority in all of our casino games. While the outcome of each game is unpredictable, we ensure that all players have an equal chance of winning. Our provably fair function allows players to verify the results of their games, ensuring that they are randomly generated and not influenced by any bots or manipulations.

To validate a game, simply enter the client and server seed, as well as the seed hash provided to you upon placing a bet. With SLM.Games's provably fair algorithm, you can trust that your online casino experience is both enjoyable and fair.


TLOS Dice Game

TLOS, also known as Telos, is a blockchain platform designed for decentralized applications and smart contracts. It was created in 2018 by the Telos Foundation, and is built for speed and scalability, making it the ideal network for mainstream adoption – Telos based Tokens NFT’s and Smart Contracts are already used for DeFi, Gaming, Social Media apps and many more use cases.

Telos is home to over 100 distinct applications (dApps) including Taikai, Qudo, Qubicles, Appics, Wordproof, Seeds, Zeptagram, and NewLife. These applications enjoy the networks speed (0.5s block times) and scale (10,000+ TPS) but also the robust on-chain services that Telos provides for voting, sentiment, decentralized file storage, location and much more.

The network is home to the most performant version of the Ethereum Virtual Machine available. Telos is the only blockchain to support the two leading standards Solidity EVM and Antelope C++ for smart contract development. These two technologies together make up the majority of the top dApps on popular tracking websites such as dapp radar.

You can deposit and withdraw TLOS seamlessly on SLM.Games! Why not give it a try and test Your luck?

Have a nice day and a great Web3 gaming experience with SLM.Games!

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